My history with Capture
Before we get into today's blog I want to make something clear. When it comes to capture and productivity I am only sharing what I find to be valuable for me in the hopes that others will be helped by that. There are tons of people out there that are better than I am, and I understand that. If you are one of those people and you read this, know that I want your feedback. I welcome any suggestions that could save me time and effort while not impacting the quality of what I do. Feel free to leave a comment or reach out on twitter (@minorleagueCEO) and lets figure some stuff out. As I mentioned in my first blog, I have worked my way from an entry level employee to CEO in just under a decade. When I started I had very little experience with work email, calendars, or anything we traditionally associate with an office job. What I did have was a willingness to learn and the wiggle room to improve my personal work environment. We were issued laptops in those days, but that was it....